Monday, June 26, 2006

a cookie is an always food!!

who woulda guessed that cookie monster would be bad for my business?!

today is day one. i just got in the door from the java shop on base! i'm going to go back on saturday and see how week one has gone. while i was standing there at least five people were coming in for coffee or leaving with their coffee, so at least i know people really do go in there.

i will say this: base is confusing! my poor, sweet husband tried the best he could to map out the base so that i could find the px on my own, but bless his heart, it was time wasted! he was so sweet this morning and took time to email me a fairly detailed map and two different routes to get to the coffee shop, and i still ended up at the library, twice. parts of the base are barricaded off an it seems like the barricades are different every time i go there, so it's very tricky to find where you need. not to mention, all of the buildings look the exact same! they are all old and painted the same butter yellow.

in the end, rob showed me how to get there and the cookies are now safely resting on a counter begging to be bought! all is well with the world.

1 comment:

joshua said...

sweeeeet. I mean...yeah, sweeeeet.