Monday, October 20, 2008

We're back!!!!!

These are just some silly, random pictures we've been storing up!

Silly face!

He can fly!!

Henry in his 'Christmas' jammies. These are 12 months and were purchased with the intent that they would be his Christmas jammies, but thankfully Rob put him in them the other day and we realized they will be too small by then!

Henry's cool jersey!

He didn't take the loss against Arizona very well.
Actually this is his new thing. There's a bowl in the middle of the table that has letter that float along the side and he'll stick his face in it and watch the table light up from inside! He's such a weirdo!


Valerie said...

Henry, all your pictures are so cute! I have missed seeing your sweet face!

Emily said...

Maelie is very concerned about something being on Henry's mouth....and she also wondered how he got her red binky...

Gigi and Peeps said...

We are sooo glad you are back! We've missed you guys. You look like a really cool strong man. We are all wondering why he leaves that mustache on

auntkasey said...

Once we put the mustache on he never even touches it! He's far to interested in yanking up the grass.
Fear not Maelie, it's just pretend. And you guys have matching binkys! How cool!!