Monday, November 16, 2009


Today and tomorrow look like the last of pretty weather around here for a while so we got out and took advantage of it!
We had a picnic on the front lawn (because I mowed it yesterday!)

Turnin' turnin'!

Henry loves to jump

And if you look at the pictures in the post below you see our back yard was covered with leaves so I spent an hour and a half raking HALF the yard! Henry was not a lot of help, contrary to what he may tell you. As I was building this pile he was trudging through it making a big mess, but we had a great time!


Valerie said...

Henry, you look so much bigger! Your hair is growing! I can't wait to see you!

grammy said...

I am the luckiest grammy in the world... I love my Henry

RanAshKenCoop said...

How much fun to have all those leaves to play in! Henry, you are just getting so big and smart. We can't wait to see you!