Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Toy Story 3

We took Henry to his first movie last week on one of Rob's days off! Henry got 'marching boots' (cowboy boots that he wasn't really interested in until we called them marching boots, because of a weird obsession with marching bands) with Buzz and Woody on them for Christmas this year and went through a wear-them-everyday phase. I'm sure you've seen them on the blog before. He loves them. But he didn't know who Buzz and Woody really were! He's never seen the other Toy Storys. Thanks to the magic of Disney's marketing though that doesn't seem to matter. He's been excited about Toy Story 3 just from commercials! When we got to the 'veater' he was even more excited! He did a great job sitting quietly and drinking his Sprite while the movie was on. It's amazing to see how big he is and to watch him do all of these big kid things!
If you haven't seen the movie, do it! It's now my favorite of the three.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yea, Henry the big boy! Four more weeks until....TEXAS!