Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

Sorry we've been MIA this month! Tis the season I guess! To make up for my extreme blogger negligence I've posted several new posts today. Get ready for Henry overload!!

For a little over a week we've been teased with almost daily flurries. Just sweet little flurries that fell gracefully from the sky and appeared to dissolve before ever meeting with the earth. Then yesterday came and brought with it a winter wonderland that we couldn't resist! I'm sure our neighbors, who have all lived here for 50+ years and hate snow, think we are crazy!! Henry woke up from his nap and talked me into going out because he 'just reeeally needed to just put his footprints out in the new snow.' I bundled him up and set out to make some prints and take some pictures, but we ended up hanging out there for half and hour while Henry spent most of his time gathering snow in his mittens and throwing it at me! He's such a crazy kid!! We stayed out as long as we could before his face turned red, and are getting to enjoy it again today! I'm watching the weather religiously to see if we're going to get anymore this weekend. Fingers crossed!!

This is mid snow ball! Luckily his hands aren't big enough to hold a ton of snow yet!!

It was really hard to get a good photo of him, because he didn't stop! He loves being a snow baby!

So worth it! Grab your coat and mittens and come join us for some snow ball fun anytime :)

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