Sunday, September 10, 2006

a contest if you will

Rob and I have had the greatest weekend ever! We spent all saturday watching scrubs and being lazy, went to chapel today, and then to salinas to see Ron White! it was hilarious. we had a great time.

now on to business. i'm thinking of a cutesy but not over the top slogan/sign for kaseypie's. anyone interested in throwing in some ideas can post them here or email me. last week i sold 11 cookies. i sold them 2 for a dollar and had to split rofit with the lady that runs the cafe so i only brought home $2.75, but hey, 11 cookies is the most i have ever sold! we've put the bakery plans on hold for a while, but if everything goes according to prayer, my new job will allow me to do the farmer's market which could open up doors here on the west coast. (i like to make it sound like i'm not selling it to a town of 500 people, but an entire coast line) plus i just watched a documentary on sam walton. very motivating. not a great 'family man' but very wealthy. and lets face it, his kids forgave him for never taking them to the park when he died and gave them billions of dollars. it's a happy story for all involved.
i may never be sam walton, mostly because i don't want my kids to resent me, but i would still like to do something that i love for the rest of my life and be great at it. i guess we'll just have to see.

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