Friday, October 27, 2006

Light in the Night

Right now I have clocked more hours doing tiny, little-bitty things for our fall festival than pretty much anything else. It's almost, almost ridiculous. Right now i'm taking a lunch from painting Bible verses on butcher paper. It's not a glamourous job for sure. I have to wonder why God put me in this position. I thought, 'hmm, i must not have gotten the children's position, because i've spent my life around kids and there isn't really a lot 'new' i can learn in that position. Maybe i got this position so i'll be ready if and when i get to open the bakery.' But really I'm clueless. This job has given me nothing but grief since the week I started. Between people trying to boss me all over the place and being told that I'm basically a moron, I haven't found the joy I was hoping for. So I go back to the trusty question of 'what God?' What does He want me to gain from this, if anything. If I am here strictly to act as a jumping point for someone else to learn from I sure don't get it. Right now the only thing I do know is that God is in control and eventually He will tell me something.

I also spent last night making fried chicken (coated, not crispy) and potato salad for Spc Brown's family, because his grandfather's memorial service is tomorrow. Let me tell you... good stuff!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Military Wives are Funny!

Some military wives are angry and bitter though. I was just introduced to and read a really funny blog about how this Marine wife feels like an animal in the zoo. People always asking the "Is her spouse deployed?""When will he return?""Is it hard?" type of questions. This woman clearly has a sense of humor about the whole thing that is keeping her spirits a float, but the responses were even funnier! Some MilSpouses are just bitter! And I can say that, because I know there have been times and will be plenty more when the military tries to screw us, but it was very funny to see the way different women are handling there emotions.
I was at a party last Friday with a group of military wives from Chapel. It was probably the funnest thing I've been able to do in a long while. Hearing their stories about kids and dealing with kids while their husbands were deployed and dealing with finances while there husbands were gone. They all had a great sense of humor, like ' I knew what I was getting into, so there is no point in being bitter. Just laugh it off' and we did. I think that it's hard for civilians (funny to hear me call you a civilian, huh?), even those somehow connected to the military, to understand. These people that I just met on Friday and spent a few hours with felt like instant family and life long friends. It is just how it has to be. My sister was telling me how nice it has been to have mom there to help out with Maelie, and how it would be really hard to do it without her, but rest easy. In this life, we all become family very quickly. I could run through a list of people I have known less than 6 months here that I wouldn't think twice about intrusting something to.
Do I miss my family? You better believe it! But it's nice to know that in this life my new 'family' is growing and no matter where we go next it will only continue to grow.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Is it Christmas yet?

I'm sitting here listening to Brad Paisley's Christmas CD that I bought at Target last night. I have yet to find a time where it is inappropriate to listen to Christmas time (or Brad Paisley for that matter, the boy is just too stinkin' good looking). I don't know what it is about the simple verses and melodies, but Christmas music is always soothing to me. I listen to it year round. I think it reminds me of home. Being little and having bacon and eggs for dinner with my family on Christmas Eve, waking up early to see what Santa brought, getting everything loaded and getting dressed to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Even if I knew that meant I was going to have to deal with some pretty awful cousins : ) it still seems like such a happy time to me. I miss that time as an adult. I miss the smells and the lights and all of the hullaballoo that stressed out our parents. It makes me want my own kids to stress over. I don't think that Christmas is about presents, but I think it is about being together as a family and making memories together. I think that is probably pleasing to God.
"Be near me Lord Jesus. I ask thee to stay close by me forever and love me I pray. Bless all of the dear children in our tender care, and take us to Heaven to live with the there."

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

life with Brown

Spc. Brown and I took a tour of the Chapel today. It is such a cool building! the baptism pool is huge! and there are all of these secret rooms and walk ways. There is a giant organ in the balocony that was imported from Germany in the 50s. It was a very cool insider's view. I have to go to legal tomorrow to clear the air around my contract and make sure all is on the up and up.
I miss the simple times when Mae and Em were here! Em I hope you are doing okay after the crash. That sucks big. Too bad it wasn't the 'stang!
Hope all is well!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

M is for Maelie!

Tomorrow!!! Tomorrow my Maelie comes to California for her first visit! We are so excited! I can't wait to pick them up tomorrow. It is going to be such a fun time. I have been so busy with the whole two jobs thing that Rob has had to pick up a lot of the extra slack around the house. He finished the guest room the other day and is going to make the kitchen shine this afternoon and I will take over after wednesday night dinner and couple's class. It is going so fast!!! I am just so very excited.

Monday, October 02, 2006

I know where she went!

This morning, actually about 15 minutes ago, I resigned as Librarian of this place to become the Protestant Perish Coordinator of Chapel. I am so excited. It is a much bigger job in every way. I will be going in today after my time in the library to see if my office is ready (I get my own office!)
I am so very excited, because at this time on Thursday my Maelie will be here! (She's bringing her mom too I think) I can't wait to see them! We don't have a lot planned, because we need to see what mood she'll be in each day, but just having her around will be great! We have to go and pick up her crib from Target today and get their room cleaned up. Right now it's acting as our second closet. I am just so excited about all of the things God is blessing us with right now. It is all moving so fast, but in that really cool way where everything is going good!
more later.