Thursday, December 27, 2007

What a day!

I was half looking forward to my Dr. appt today/ half dreading it. I wanted to know if there was any progress, but was scared he would tell me there wasn't and I would have to fling myself from a cliff. Low and behold, no change. I told him that was impossible, but he assured me that, no it was possible, and it was true. I basically burst into tears and told him I couldn't even walk! It hurts so bad to change from sitting to standing to walking that I'm going to give it up. He told me not to rush things and that I could actually go until Jan 11th. To which I told him he was evil and that I was none to fond of him (I think I said hate, whoops...) and he just laughed patted my back and said I would be okay. The poor nurse (who is fabulous by the way) patted my arm and said to relax and just take it easy and they left Rob and I in the room. We scheduled my appt. for next week, still in tears, and left with our heads hanging. I came home and cried and cried and then took like a four hour nap while Rob rubbed my back and bought some benadryl (sp?) to help me sleep tonight. After I woke up we decided to get dressed and go to dinner to cheer ourselves up and then out to a movie. As I was putting my make up on the nurse called and told me Dr. Cravy has changed his mind, and if I don't go before then, I'm am scheduled to be induced on Thursday January 3rd at 3 am! I told her how in love with her I was and Rob and I left for a celebration dinner instead. (We skipped the movie though, it's still painful to sit for a long time)
So, long story short, Baby Henry will make his debut no later than January 3rd!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Oh Henry!

Well after a long 24 hour period, I went to the labor and delivery unit to be checked out. The contractions are real folks. They have spring boarded me from a two to a three. I had to lay in a hospital bed hooked to a blood pressure cuff, a fetal heartbeat tracker, and a contractions monitor in a gown for an hour. I had a feeling that it wasn't the big one. The contractions weren't painful, just uncomfortable! I heard Henry's heartbeat for a solid hour. It makes me want to cry now. I haven't heard his little heartbeat for longer than 15 seconds through this entire pregnancy! It is such a sweet sound. I have been more than anxious about the next phase of all of this. How will I be able to care for this kid? How will this affect mine and Rob's relationship? What if he screams all the time and I can't handle it? There have been so many questions in me lately, but laying there listening to him and feeling him move around made me feel like it's not going to be so rough. Rob and I can handle this. God gave us this precious boy and He wouldn't give us more than we could handle, and I highly doubt that He would put this sweet boy with us if He thought Henry would be in harm's way. I love this baby so much. I can't wait to meet him and see his tiny hands and face and feet! I am so looking forward to watching my precious husband love on his son and teach him to be a strong, intelligent man. I hope baby Henry is healthy and happy, and is here soon... : )

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Full moon tonight

I'm not usually a superstitous person, but I'm willing to make an exception for tonight if it will bring Henry out of hiding! Today we walked the mile to Wingstop for lunch and then walked the mile back. And now I'm feeling the burn! It hurts to walk across the room now! Where the leg bone meets the pelvic bone in a pregnant woman becomes really strechy in the last little bit to help with labor, and I've been dealing with this for a few weeks. When I hop (yeah, not so much of a hop as roll and groan) out of bed in the morning I have to brace myself or I will fall on my face. After today's little adventure the slightest movement makes me wobbly!
But back to the moon... With a good bout of excersize, hot wing lunch, and full moonness (not to mention a lot of prayer and repeatedly telling him to get out) I am hoping something will happen, and now!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Who's doing it?

Someone out there is not crossing their fingers....
I know it. It's less than two weeks before my due date, but Dr. is already saying 8 lbs. and Henry is supposed to grow a lbs a week. That's 10. 10 lbs. Come on! Cross your fingers already!
Today is my Grandma's Christmas in Ft. Worth, which we were told not to go to, b/c of the whole 9 month pregnant thing, and then Dr. skips town and will be back on Wed. nightish. Double standards... : )
Henry's doing really well, or so I'm lead to believe. I can't imagine what life is going to be like with him here. I rearranged out room yesterday so that all of his stuff is spread out by his closet and all of our stuff is by our closet. I had that reversed first, but I felt like he needed a bigger chunk of space, and not to be shoved in a corner. It kept bringing up Dirty Dancing references (Nobody puts Baby in a corner...) in my mind so I changed it. I like it alot better, but on my umpteenth time to go pee last night I kept having to walk by his bed and the overwhelming thoughts of "There is going to be a baby there soon, and I'm supposed to be responsible for it" came flooding in. I'm barely responsible for the dog!
Too late to turn back now, so cross those fingers... everyone this time.....

Thursday, December 20, 2007


That is two in Spanish. Well, I don't know if that's how you spell it, but that's what I am!! 2 cm dialated, 70% effaced, and looking at delivering at least an 8 lb-er! These are all good numbers in my book. They really don't mean a whole lot. I could walk around like this for another two weeks, or I could be in the delivery room in a few hours. Who knows?!
I keep trying to entice him to come out with his new toys and outfits and all the fun we'll have, but right now i'm eating a Chick-fil-a sandwich and i know he's smart enough to realize that once he's out he won't get that anymore for a long time, so I think I'm being counterproductive!
Keep those fingers crossed chickens!

cross your fingers!

I have my second appointment with the Dr. this week in about 2 hours. The past couple of days my body has acted so wierd. I hope he will give me some hope that things are continuing to progress! My last appt. was kind of a bummer, because I was 'about the same' as the week before. I know that there are only 2 weeks and 1 day until Henry's due date, but every passing day is more and more uncomfortable and BORING! And i can hear you out there shaking your head thinking I should soak up the quiet, but I have... since October.... I'm tired of being huge and heavy and tired!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Braxton Hicks are not my friend

I have had BH contractions for weeks now. No biggie. Yesterday, they started getting closer and closer. At one point they were 10-12 minutes apart for about 4 hours! I called the Dr. and was told to drink a bunch of water and lay down. They stopped, but now... they are back, and they suck! I have hit the 37 week point, also known as full term, so I'm hoping that if they stick around they'll actually start working in my favor!!
Attention Henry: GET OUT.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Drop and give me one!

Okay now nine more!
I went to the Dr. today and that's where we stand. One cm dialated at 36 weeks! He seemed optimistic that this whole pregnancy thing may not end up lasting forever, so that's a big bonus for me! And any old-pro mom will tell you that women can walk around dialated to a three for weeks, but to heck with that logic! I'm turning up my iPod and dancing this little booger out! Last week the Dr said I was doing nothing and that my due date could actually extend to Jan. 11th, and this week I think I suprised him! Wahoo, wahoo!
Come one Baby Henry!! Let's go Baby Henry!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Tomorrow is my birthday! I'm so excited. Rob got me a presesnt and it's in a big box and I don't know what it is! I love presents!!
My parents, sister, and Maelie are coming in this weekend. We're getting the apartment ready for the big visit. Not that it's a big place or takes alot of prep, but I want it to look nice.
So much to do!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Fix Freeze Feast

That's the title to a book i just bought. I was on the babycenter website talking to experienced moms that were all in discussions about what they have premade and have stored in the freezer for the days/weeks following the birth. I was baffled. I knew I would be tired, but I hadn't thought 'If I don't have something ready it will be fast food and pizza for that time frame.' and I have to get some weight off pretty quick for some family pictures! So I bought the book on Sunday and went shopping on Monday (purchasing $130 in food and $30 in supplies; I also bought 15lbs of chicken breast!) and today I set to making the dishes. I've gotten through two recipies that have yielded 6 meals and I have 4 recipies to go. It was actually alot of fun today. There is a Sweet Asian Chicken marinade that would blow your mind. I could just sit and eat it by itself, it's that good.
Anyway, here's hoping that this will all work!

Monday, December 03, 2007

An extra week for bad behavior...

I went to the Dr. today and he informed me that my January 4th due date from the ultrasound could go as far as the January 11th due date from Dr. Clark's mathmatic skills. Not to knock Dr. Clark, because I liked him very much, but the 11th is just crazy. I'm starting to feel like this is never going to happen. I'm going to have to return to school from the begining because I have a five year old inside of me. It might get awkward when he gets to HS and wants to start dating...
Don't get me wrong. I want him to be safe. I want him to be healthy. But I also want him out. The joy of pregnancy is losing it's magic on me as the days go by. And the more I learn abut how disgusting labor and childbirth can be in the last few weeks, I'm almost okay with letting him set up residency in there.....
5 more weeks. 5 more weeks. 5 more weeks.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Mute School?

*Disclaimer* Not a good day.

Do you ever wonder why you talk to anyone? I do. Today is one of those days. Why talk to anyone, because almost everyone in the world sucks and is horrible. I'm thinking about calling it quits. No more talking to anyone. I'll send up a bat signal when the baby is born, and those that see it can come or stay or do as they like. I don't even care. I just want to sit with Henry and Rob and watch movies while he naps in our arms. Anything other than that, don't care. Anybody that wants to cause me grief, or be a jerk can stay far, far away.

GRRRRR. }: (