Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Oh Henry!

Well after a long 24 hour period, I went to the labor and delivery unit to be checked out. The contractions are real folks. They have spring boarded me from a two to a three. I had to lay in a hospital bed hooked to a blood pressure cuff, a fetal heartbeat tracker, and a contractions monitor in a gown for an hour. I had a feeling that it wasn't the big one. The contractions weren't painful, just uncomfortable! I heard Henry's heartbeat for a solid hour. It makes me want to cry now. I haven't heard his little heartbeat for longer than 15 seconds through this entire pregnancy! It is such a sweet sound. I have been more than anxious about the next phase of all of this. How will I be able to care for this kid? How will this affect mine and Rob's relationship? What if he screams all the time and I can't handle it? There have been so many questions in me lately, but laying there listening to him and feeling him move around made me feel like it's not going to be so rough. Rob and I can handle this. God gave us this precious boy and He wouldn't give us more than we could handle, and I highly doubt that He would put this sweet boy with us if He thought Henry would be in harm's way. I love this baby so much. I can't wait to meet him and see his tiny hands and face and feet! I am so looking forward to watching my precious husband love on his son and teach him to be a strong, intelligent man. I hope baby Henry is healthy and happy, and is here soon... : )

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