Friday, October 20, 2006

Is it Christmas yet?

I'm sitting here listening to Brad Paisley's Christmas CD that I bought at Target last night. I have yet to find a time where it is inappropriate to listen to Christmas time (or Brad Paisley for that matter, the boy is just too stinkin' good looking). I don't know what it is about the simple verses and melodies, but Christmas music is always soothing to me. I listen to it year round. I think it reminds me of home. Being little and having bacon and eggs for dinner with my family on Christmas Eve, waking up early to see what Santa brought, getting everything loaded and getting dressed to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Even if I knew that meant I was going to have to deal with some pretty awful cousins : ) it still seems like such a happy time to me. I miss that time as an adult. I miss the smells and the lights and all of the hullaballoo that stressed out our parents. It makes me want my own kids to stress over. I don't think that Christmas is about presents, but I think it is about being together as a family and making memories together. I think that is probably pleasing to God.
"Be near me Lord Jesus. I ask thee to stay close by me forever and love me I pray. Bless all of the dear children in our tender care, and take us to Heaven to live with the there."


joshua said...

I was walking down the street yesterday and I heard someone open their car door to let someone in and blaring from the speakers was Christmas music. Awesome! I also can listen to the soundtrack to 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' all year long. And I do.

auntkasey said...

You and Rob are of one spirit. He put the Charlie Brown Christmas cd on my MP3 player! I usually only rock out to Louis Armstrong's 'Cool Yule'.