Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Henry and Maelie

Henry and Maelie got to spend a lot of time hanging out this weekend!

She is the best big cousin and Hendro loves her so much!

She is so sweet to him and is such a good sharer!

She gave him LOTS of love!

Hey, who wouldn't love this face?!
We can't wait to come back in December so Mae and Henry can play together some more! We love and miss her very much!


Valerie said...

They are the cutest little cousins ever! It was so good to get to see yall & we are so glad yall will be here for Christmas!

Gigi and Peeps said...

I love the face Henry is making when Maelie is kissing the back of his head. It was so good to see both of you. Can't wait til Christmas.