Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sock Hop!

This weekend we celebrated 50 years of Aunt Nita with a party in the park! It was so much fun! Here are a few pictures I caught.

Gigi and Peep's girls! So cute!

Kendall rockin' her skirt on her belly! She was so funny!

Sweet Gracie hanging out waiting for her Gigi.

Our girls! These two are so cute!

The older Henry is getting the harder it is to get a good picture of the three of them! He does NOT like to sit still!

In fact, he spent the entire 4 hours walking the park...

and more walking....

And more walking! Henry was nonstop. We finally changed into jammies around 8:45 and I said "Are you ready for bed?" and he picked his paci off the ground and just walked straight to his bed! When I picked him up and put him in there he said "Nigh. nigh Ollie!" It was so funny! He cried out at around 2 and got in my bed and then not another word until 9:30 this morning! He is ALWAYS up by 7. It was a great way to start off Mother's Day!!
Nita, we had a great time at your party and hope you did too! It's too bad you can't turn 50 every year! We love you!

1 comment:

Gigi and Peeps said...

I had the BEST time. It was a wonderful day and thank you so much for the sweet pictures. The kids were so cute in their skirts and Henry was very cool in his jeans and tee shirt, very james dean!