Thursday, October 08, 2009

Whiz Kid

Last night I went to the grocery store and bought a big bag of M&M's for Henry and told him "When you go teetee or poop on the potty, you get a chocolate!" So he talked about them until bed time. Well, it wasn't so much talking as it was screaming that he wanted one. When he woke up this morning he said "I wan chocit." and I said, "You have to go on the potty to get chocolate." and he said "Okay." and went into the bathroom downstairs. I followed him in there and took off his diaper and he sat down and after a second I saw his little tummy tighten and he said "Well look at that!" and stood up and had POOPED! It was awesome!! He was clapping for himself saying "Yea Henny! Get chocit!" So I gave him 4 :) Since then he has done two more little poops and a pee! Honestly, I think the kid will do anything for chocolate (he gets that from me!) so going to the potty is no big thing to him as long as it results in an M&M or 2. We are so proud of our big boy!


Gigi and Peeps said...

WOW! What a good job Henry! I'd do almost anything for chocolate too.

I love all the new pics! You are too cute man! We miss you.

Valerie said...

What a smart boy! I am very proud of you!

RanAshKenCoop said...

Way to go Henry! We are so proud of you and love to hear about everything you are doing! Keep it up Big guy!