Friday, November 30, 2007

Hello.. My name is Kasey...

and i'm addicted to January 2008 comment boards.
I have diagnosed myself. I can't get off this stinkin' website for more than like 30 minutes at a time. I would say that I need to find a support group, but this IS a support group! I am constantly reading the threads about everything from contractions to post-p nastiness. And let me also say, what terrible friends and big sister I have for not filling me in on the aftermath! I'll spare the details, but I was almost in tears over my new found information yesterday. It does not sound pleasant. I just keep looking at Rob thinking 'Oh buddy. You are so carrying the next one.' I think my eyes are going to fall out from all the reading, but I keep going back for more.
AHH! it's been ten minutes... time for my next fix....

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