Now that's comfort! Grammy bought
Henry a wedge for his bed, but he puked
all over it, so I've been putting him in his Boppy.
It it my new best friend! He's been sleeping
7 hour stretches in it every night!! I covered it with the
carseat cover mom made him for the plane ride, because
the first night he and I were here I put it on him because it
smelled like mom's house and he literally grabbed it in both
hands and pulled it up to his face and slept like that! He wouldn't
let go. So I figure if it's that comforting, he can sleep on it everynight!
He makes this face everytime he sees Ollie!
It is sooo funny! he can be in the middle of
a melt down, and she'll walk by and his eyes
bug out!
He's decided that he loves his baby papasan...
now that he's a foot too long for it!!
I think Henry looks even more like Rob than Kendall looks like me. It should work out better for Henry being a boy and all. Even at the risk of calling Rob cute (given the previous statement), I think Henry is the cutest boy baby I have ever seen.
I feel for Ashley! I carried this kid for nine months, put on 50#s, went through a day of labor, and he looks just like his dad! But I do have to say, Kendall is alot prettier than you are ;)
Poor little Henry-feet. You should make those papasan chairs in X-long. You could be a millionaire. The tall babies of the world rejoice!
If it makes you feel any better Maelie hung out in her papasan until one day while I was in the shower she got it unbuckled and crawled out of it....
Em, you suck! I just laughed out loud and made Henry jump during nap time!
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