Monday, March 10, 2008

Henry fresh off the plane!

Daddy and Henry- reunited and it feels so good!
Later that day we took Hank to the Dr. and were SHOCKED! Drum roll please....
He weighs in at an astounding 12 lbs 12 oz!
And is now exactly 2 feet tall!
This boy is a giant!!
We went to the Dr. again today and Henry was vaccinated, so prepare yourself for pictures OUTDOORS!!!!!


Valerie said...

I am so glad you are all back together! I can't believe Mr. Henry is getting so big already! He is such a handsome boy! See you in May! (not March)

Gigi and Peeps said...

wow what a big guy!! I'm so glad he is doing well. Yea shots!!

auntkasey said...

Alright, lets clear the air... Yes his bottle is propped. I HAD to! It was only for a minute so I could pull my bags off the thingy. It was that or hear him scream!