Monday, May 05, 2008

4 month check up today!

Henry went in for his four month check up today, and other than some really yucky reflux (which is going to send us to Walter Reed for an appointment with a specialist) he's doing great! He's in between 50-75% of weight and 75 for height, and 90% for that giant noggin! He weighs in at a respectable 15 lbs, 7 1/2 oz and 25 1/4 inches tall! He can roll from his back to his tummy over either side like its nothing, and sits with little support!
It is amazing how big and strong he's getting. Watching him figure things out, like grasping things and holding his own hands is so exciting for all of us! We can't believe how blessed we are to have such a healthy, strong little monster! We also can't believe there are only 20 days until we get to see everyone again! Yea!!


Valerie said...

Wow, that's some noggin!

It was good to talk to you yesterday, sorry I was a grumpalumpagus but the headache is gone now!

auntkasey said...

Then we shall try a phone call again soon! Not saying that you were a grumpalumpagus...

Valerie said...

Sure you are! It's ok, I know it was true!

Gigi and Peeps said...

great check up! You are getting so big. Can't wait to see you in 19 days!