Friday, July 30, 2010

Front Yard Fun

This afternoon I thought my camera was very broken and was going to have to be sent away for repairs. I was SUPER bummed. I thought, 'How sad to be a photographer without a camera!" Luckily I think it was just bad batteries. With it back up and running I had to take it out and test it, and who better to help me out than this handsome boy?!

Today was a BEAUTIFUL 83 degree day after a week of incredible heat, incredible humidity, and incredible gross!

I'm participating in the Baltimore Bridal Show this Sunday and this is my table/booth! I went ahead and set it up in the foyer to see what I was going to tweak. This show has consumed me for the past 3+ weeks. It's a really big deal to the business and we are praying for a big sucess! (Or at least to break even :) ) Keep your fingers crossed for us this weekend while Rob and I are at the show, and Henry is getting to spend the whole day with Ms. Carly!


Gigi and Peeps said...

Beautiful set up. How was the show?

auntkasey said...

Thanks! It was BUSY! I handed out almost 500 cards and had 113 brides sign up to win a free bridal session. 2 of those brides have emailed asking to send pricing or set up a date to meet. I'm pretty excited!!