Monday, July 26, 2010

Wishes Do Come True!

Today Henry and I went on a walk with Mrs. Patty (a neighborhood friend we'll post more about later) and Daddy sat with Mr. Gil and swapped stories. After a good long walk, we took him to the Columbia mall and as we were leaving Macy's I showed him the fountain and told him about making a wish and tossing a coin in then asked if he would like to do it. I gave him a penny and said 'Now you have to make a wish like 'I wish we could have a yummy lunch' then you throw in your coin and maybe it will come true!' So he took his coin and THREW it into the fountain. I asked him what he wished for and he said 'I wished I could throw my coin into the fountain!' Wish GRANTED!

1 comment:

Christie said...

I love it! Henry, you are too stinkin' cute!!!!