Thursday, April 08, 2010

Oh say can you see?

So Henry has weird quirks, right? That's not a secret. Before he left for Texas he liked things a certain way, and now that he's back it hasn't changed much. I have never before in all of my life met a kid that prefers (aka demands) that he be sung the National Anthem while being tucked in at night. But Henry does. He likes for Rob and I to sing it together if we are both in the room while he's going to bed and he likes it more if Rob will stand while he sings it. So tonight, while putting him in his crib, handing him two pacis (one in his mouth, and one to rub in his eye...) Rob and I stood and dutifully sang from "Oh" to "Freeee!"


Emily said...

That makes me laugh so hard. I hope you put your hand on your chest.

auntkasey said...

Well duh. We love America.