Wednesday, May 31, 2006

kaseypie in da house!

the name finally fits! tonight baked my very first pie. it's a crumbled-apple pie from So.Living! it is super simple too. the book is like $35, but it is absolutely the best $35 i've ever spent. from the specialty cakes (like the kahlua cake) to roasted herb turkey, it has everything! i'm going to bring the book home with me in july and make treats ( i am of course assuming that we would all hang out as a family, and that just never happens... : ) )
I am working on a ME puzzle, which i know sounds like i'm 80, but i really like puzzles. anyway, it's a cute little ME girl in an inner tube with big green glasses and a big straw hat in a pool. I think ME is brilliant for starters, but there was something that kept drawing me to this puzzle. i've worked on it for two days and it has dawned on me. the girl looks like what i think maelie will look like at 5. she has a sweet little mouth and is just so dramatic in her glasses! i stopped mid-piece and teared up at what kind of fun little girl maelie will turn out to be. even if she doesn't have her aunt's flare for the dramatic, she is still going to be so incredible! i miss her so much. every time her little face crosses my mind i tear up. i have her as my desktop talking to the bear that rob and i gave her, and i have to admit that rob has walked in on me talking to the screen like she can hear me! she's not special or anything, her pictures just happen to cover my entire freezer door! I'll see you in July my sweet baby girl. xoxo

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey, as long as your computer screen doesn't start talking back I think you're good. You should blog a picture of the puzzle so I can see it - you know I love ME!