Monday, November 27, 2006

Tis the Season

Thanksgiving is over and behind us and now we move forth (or are shoved, I can't decide) toward Christmas. This time of year is always a blur to me. I think that with work this year may be worse. I have five seperate engagements next month and Rob and I are talking about going to Tahoe to celebrate my birthday and our Christmas. That means that the 15-17 we are in Tahoe, and come back to Monterey only to leave the 21st for Ft. Worth. Speaking of the birthday... I turn 22 in 10 days. As busy I have been lately it feels like it is sneaking up on me. I should circle it on my calendar or something so I don't forget it!
Mom tells me Mae is army crawling like a pro these days! She'll be walking by the time we get there!! (not really) She is very talented though. She pulled herself up onto the edge of the table. That's brilliant for a 7 month old! I can't believe she is 7 months old. And will be 8 when we see her! She's growing so fast. I have baby, baby pictures of her I was looking at last night and it was so amazing to see how much she has changed in the past 7 months. We can't wait to come home and see her, and if everyone else is there, I guess we'll see them too... 24 more days!!

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