Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November : )

Today is November 1st! It is almost magical. It means light in the night is over (which was a big success, by the way) and we can creep slowly into Angel Tree and Tree Lighting. It also means there are only seven weeks until Christmas and Rob and I coming home. It feels weird to think that I will have been away from Texas for six months! And Rob hasn't been home since Maelie was born and that will be like 8 months! I can't tell you how excited we are to be coming home! We miss family. It's going to be a crazy between mom and terry and going to Oklahoma to see Rob's aunt and uncle, but it's nothing we aren't used to. It would be nice if they were closer, but where's the challenge in that?! It's a 26 hour drive from Monterey to Fort Worth, another 50 minutes from my mom's house to his mom's house and about a 3 1/2 hour drive to his aunt's house, and of course another 26 hour drive back to Monterey. And this is all in about 13 days.
Bring on the Holidays!!

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