Friday, January 22, 2010

3 days in...

We're three days in to potty training and I feel it in my legs! All of Hen's toys are in the basement so we make LOTS of extra trips up the stairs to get to the potty. So far we've had one teeny pee-pee accident and one teeny poop! Not too shabby!! He's so proud of his underwear. He wakes up in the morning and tells me "Mama. I'm gonna keep Elmo dry!" He's also eaten his weight in M&Ms over the last few months I'm pretty sure, but we're down to diapers only at nap and bed time so I don't mind so much!
It is hilarious how bright and colorful these underwear are! Everyday is something new and funny!

And this was him last night being a silly goose. He loves to put things on his head and sing "Happy Birthday" over and over!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

way to go henry!!! so jealous-kasey.