Wednesday, January 06, 2010


We have had such a great past three weeks, I don't even mind that we drove to the ends of the earth (twice) to be a part of it! These pictures are in no particular order so I've just added a quick caption to them. All the cousins! This is Rob's Aunt Gloria, Uncle Gary, cousins Mitch, Amber, John, Stephanie, and 2nd ? cousins Jackson, Jett, and Cole.
These are some of the nicest people I have ever known. I love to call them family!

Henry and Colie! These two are about a month a part.

I had the opportunity to take some "baby" pictures of Val while I was there for my website and we had such a good time we were late to cousin's Christmas (Sorry Em.)

Val and Gracie

This was my first time to meet Ryder! He is sooo cute! I had such a good time taking pics of BA and Jerm and their precious, precious little boy.

Henry's 2nd Birthday!!
We had his party on the 2nd at Em's church and it was all we could do to get him to sit still and take a picture. He was waaaay too busy playing in their cool play place!

The cool '2' jammies Grammy made for him the night before!

Yet another person I love! I used to have regular weekly lunches with the gals from Certified when I was in town and Michelle could always be counted on to get everybody laughing. We had the best time!

Maelie and Aunt Kasey Date! Mae gets to choose what we do and where we eat on her date day. Last summer I took her to get her toes painted, and it looks like that may be the activity for a while!

These two monkeys having lunch with Papa!

Henry's new drum. Before he found the sticks he was using what he could... including his forehead!

My sweet 2 year old!

Kendall helping her Peeps at Dane's Christmas! We all had a great time!

Dane, herself. We all love our grandma so much! I think it is a strong testiment to her that we are all so close. Even though all of the cousins are older, most with kids of their own, we still make a point to get together for a 2nd party!


There are so many more pictures that aren't in this post, but are coming. I uploaded 400 tonight! We had such a great time getting to see everyone and are looking forward to March when we can do it again! (Maybe not the driving part!)


Kathy Welch said...

gotta love the Dane family, you all are an awesome bunch. What is your website?

Stephanie said...

so cute kase! we love you guys!

Valerie said...

We are so lucky to have our very own photographer/memory catcher. That was a fun couple of weeks! It was nice to have all of you here! I miss you already.

The Danes said...

I'm so glad you got to meet Ryder (and take our pictures)! He can't wait to play with Henry!