Tuesday, July 25, 2006

ho hum

Today is a busy day in a ho hum way. I slept in, go figure, then made a batch of cookies, met rob for lunch, found out I made $3 (wahoo!), went to Borders, spent an hour in the kids' section brushing up on what's the best, two little sisters (a 6th grader & a 4th grader) helped me know what is cool to 'big kids', (did you know that they read The Giver in 5th grade here? I read that book in 8th and was scarred for life) and then came home to a mess because the dogs found some paper towels, and now i sit. Tomorrow I meet with Principal Nelson to go over budget and supplies and what exactly i'm supposed to be doing. always a handy to-know tip.
I'm excited to start work though. I don't really know how this is going to work out, being the only librarian and all. that strikes me as funny. we'll see.
This is going to be a busy rest of week though. i have two seperate meetings tomorrow, friday i go to change my ss card (still says Denham, whoops), go to the dr to have blood taken, go to sheriffs office and get fingerprints, and then i think we are meeting jon and mary and going camping. and work starts monday. whew.
For Randy:
What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?


Emily said...

I'm sure you will have the cutest little library around! Sounds like things are going good back in CA. Maelie misses you! Seriously, I wonder if she's like "Hey, what happened to that girl with the glasses that's been hanging around?" I think we must have worn her out 'cause she has slept like no other lately.

auntkasey said...

I told Rob to hope you and Mae really do come out, because he will go ga-ga for her pretty face!