Friday, July 21, 2006


It is a bitter sweet symphony.
Today is Friday. A) I get to see Rob's smiling face tomorrow after 6 days apart. and I get to go back to cold monterey! 65 degrees year round. that sounds nice on a day where it looks like it's going to be 108.
but B) it's my last day here and that means no more maelie for three whole months. she's in striped p.j.s right now so she looks like cindy lou who from who-ville! it has been so much fun getting to be around her and see her face smile and yawn. she's been so good too! yesterday she rolled over for the first time from her back to her tummy. it was a struggle, but she is very smart and pushed through it. I'm so crazy about her little face.
But at least I will see her in three months and not six like we were thinking. I know uncle rob will be very excited to see her again. he talks about her all the time. it's safe to say she is/will be spoiled.
A) i miss rob and the puppies and it will be nice to be in my house again and to be living out of the dryer instead of a suitcase (i'm not great with laundry). all in due time.

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