Wednesday, June 21, 2006

In the beginning...

The ball is finally in motion! i say finally, but really this process has come to a start after what, a month?! i took a box of cookies to base yesterday and made my very first business deal! the little Korean lady that runs the java shop has ordered 2 dozen choc. chip cookies for monday! it is a small order and even smaller profits, but praise God, it is really happening! Rob took cookies to class today to try to pimp them to the snack shop in his building, but more to his classmates. (i thought that it was funny that i'm so okay with Rob pimping out his own wife) i just got off the phone with the landlady. i need her permission to have the health department okay me to run a bakery from a residency. i was dreading the phone call. if she said no then it was all over. but, again praise God, she agreed. she said as long as all liability falls squarely on me rather than her, the owner of the property. so i am now free and clear to contact the health department and once they okay me i can turn in my small business application and then i will be ready for any nonsense on base, the farmers market, and drum roll please,.... the coffee shop. yes the same coffee shop. we went in yesterday and asked what was said or if there was any feedback and the manager on duty said 16 of the cookies were eaten (one of the boys there ate it in front of me and said "these are delicious!", but what else could he say to my face...) and that 'Debbie' really wanted to get in contact with me so i left another business card. i feel like i'm caught in a whirlwind! it's all very exciting and nerve racking!

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